VSDevelopers, Algorithms Coliseum

Kruskal’s Algorithms – Graphs

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//Java program for finding Minimum Spanning tree from given graph using Kruskal's algorithm
import java.util.LinkedList;

public class VSDMstKruskals {
	// Class to represent the structure of the edge along with weights
	public static class VSDEdge {
		int source;
		int destination;
		int weight;

		public VSDEdge(int source, int destination, int weight) {
			this.source = source;
			this.destination = destination;
			this.weight = weight;

	// Class to represent the structure of the graph
	public static class VSDGraph {
		int v;// No.of vertices
		LinkedList<VSDEdge> adList[];// Adjacency list to mark the edges
		// Initializing vertices using constructor

		VSDGraph(int size) {
			v = size;
			adList = new LinkedList[v];
			for (int i = 0; i < v; i++)
				adList[i] = new LinkedList<VSDEdge>();

		// Function to add edge to the graph
		public void VSDaddEgde(int source, int destination, int weight) {
			VSDEdge edge = new VSDEdge(source, destination, weight);
			adList.addLast(edge); // adding new edge to the list

		// Function to implement prim's algorithm
		public void VSDKruskalsMst(VSDGraph g) {
			int edgecount = 0;
			int weight = 0;// To calculate the weight of MST.
			boolean[] visited = new boolean[g.v];// Array to mark the vertices alredy present in MST
			for (int i = 0; i < g.v; i++) {
				visited[i] = false;
			System.out.println("The Kruskal's MST is:");
			while (edgecount < g.v - 1) {
				int min = 999999;
				int x = 0; // source vertex
				int y = 0; // destination vertex
				for (int i = 0; i < g.v; i++) {
					LinkedList<VSDEdge> list = adList[i];
					for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
						if (!visited[list.get(j).destination] && min > list.get(j).weight) {
							min = list.get(j).weight;
							x = i;
							y = list.get(j).destination;
				System.out.println(x + " " + y);
				if (edgecount == 0)
					visited[x] = true;
				weight += min;
				visited[y] = true;
			System.out.println("The total cost of Kruskal's MST is " + weight);


	public static void main(String args[]) {
		VSDGraph g = new VSDGraph(6);
		g.VSDaddEgde(0, 1, 20);
		g.VSDaddEgde(1, 0, 20);
		g.VSDaddEgde(0, 2, 30);
		g.VSDaddEgde(2, 0, 30);
		g.VSDaddEgde(0, 3, 40);
		g.VSDaddEgde(3, 0, 40);
		g.VSDaddEgde(0, 4, 20);
		g.VSDaddEgde(4, 0, 20);
		g.VSDaddEgde(1, 2, 10);
		g.VSDaddEgde(2, 1, 10);
		g.VSDaddEgde(1, 3, 5);
		g.VSDaddEgde(3, 1, 5);
		g.VSDaddEgde(1, 5, 10);
		g.VSDaddEgde(5, 1, 10);
		g.VSDaddEgde(2, 3, 20);
		g.VSDaddEgde(3, 2, 20);
		g.VSDaddEgde(2, 4, 50);
		g.VSDaddEgde(4, 2, 50);
		g.VSDaddEgde(2, 5, 20);
		g.VSDaddEgde(5, 2, 20);
		g.VSDaddEgde(3, 5, 40);
		g.VSDaddEgde(5, 3, 40);
		g.VSDaddEgde(4, 5, 30);
		g.VSDaddEgde(5, 4, 30);
