VSDevelopers, Algorithms Coliseum

Find the level of a node in BST

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/*Java program to find level of a node in BST.*/

import java.util.Scanner;

public class VSDBSTNodelevel {
	static Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

	public static class VSDNode {
		int data;// Holds the value of node
		int count;// Holds the count of duplicate nodes
		VSDNode left;// Holds the left pointer of node
		VSDNode right;// Holds the right pointer of node
		// Default constructor

		VSDNode(int data) {
			this.data = data;
			this.count = 0;
			this.left = this.right = null;

	// Root node
	static VSDNode root;

	// Function to insert data into BST
	public static VSDNode VSDinsert(VSDNode root, int data) {
		if (root == null)
			root = new VSDNode(data);
		if (data < root.data)
			root.left = VSDinsert(root.left, data);
		else if (data == root.data)
			root.count += 1;
			root.right = VSDinsert(root.right, data);
		return root;

	// Function to check the level of node
	// It returns 0 if node is not present
	public static int VSDcheckLevel(VSDNode current, int val, int level) {
		// Checking if node is not present
		if (current == null)
			level = 0;
		// Validating node data and traversing BST recursively
		if (current.data == val)
		else if (val < current.data && current.left != null) {
			level = VSDcheckLevel(current.left, val, level + 1);

		else if (val > current.data && current.right != null) {
			level = VSDcheckLevel(current.right, val, level + 1);
		} else
			level = 0;

		return level;


	// Function to perform inorder traversal
	public static void VSDinorder(VSDNode root) {
		if (root.left != null)
		if (root.right != null)

	// Function to take user data
	public static int VSDreadData() {
		System.out.println("Enter data:");
		int data = sc.nextInt();
		return data;

	// Function to take user input to perform BST operations
	public static void VSDuserInput() {
		System.out.println("Please Enter BST operation from:");
		System.out.println("Insert Inorder Level");
		String choice = sc.next();
		switch (choice) {
		case "Insert":
		case "insert":
			int inval = VSDreadData();
			root = VSDinsert(root, inval);
			System.out.println("Data Inserted");
		case "Level":
		case "level":
			// Initially checking if tree is empty
			if (root == null)
				System.out.println("Tree is empty, Insert elements to find level");
			else {// Taking user input
				int val = VSDreadData();
				// Calling checkLevel initially
				int level = VSDcheckLevel(root, val, 0);
				if (level == 0)
					System.out.println("The node is not present in tree!!");
					System.out.println("The level of given node is:" + level);
		case "Inorder":
		case "inorder":
			// Initially checking if tree is empty
			if (root == null)
				System.out.println("Tree is empty, Insert elements to traverse");

	public static void VSDuserChoice() {
		System.out.println("For performing operations enter y else enter n");
		char ch = sc.next().charAt(0);
		if (ch == 'Y' || ch == 'y')

	public static void main(String args[]) {

